Welcoming you, woman, for an evening to honor the tradition of Imbolc. 

This sabbat (holy day) on the Wheel of the Year is a space to savor the remaining inwardness of winter, while also feeling the stirrings of spring soon to come. 

In ancient times, Imbolc was celebrated as a time to reaffirm life and begin thinking about the upcoming harvest season. Carrying this tradition forward, we will gently attune to the subtle uncoiling within and turn towards fresh beginnings. 

(This way of honoring the new year to come is aligned with the seasons of nature, which was historically always associated with springtime. This is why many people feel of sync when they try go along with January 1st as representing the new year, as this is a time to still be inward in winter’s cocoon.)

In this way, we rest together in the peaceful, liminal space between winter and spring... 

join the ceremony here - $44.44


The evening will include: 

  • A sacred milk ritual to honor the goddess Brigid who is the matron of Imbolc
  • Handcrafted organic elixirs from Senchune Elixirs 
  • A guided visualization + vocal alchemy journey 
  • Embodiment + journaling practice
  • Sisterhood connection + witnessing
    Fireside coziness and a burn ritual (indoors)

After the ceremony, there will be space to curl up fireside and connect with fellow local women or retreat to the sanctuary room to be in meditative stillness to seal in the energy of the evening. 

This Imbolc Gathering will offer a space for you to: 

  • Go on a journey inward and attune to any areas of your life you yet get to rest into for the remainder of the winter season (and, for those who have powered through the winter, this will give an invitation to slow down and savor this time of year) 
  • Begin to gently connect with the essence of springtime to come and what seeds you will be planting in the coming season 
  • Be witnessed in your embodiment and witness fellow sisters 
  • Make sacred offerings to goddess Brigid and sew seeds in the form of prayer 

NOTE: This will be a more intimate gathering and spaces are limited, so if you were planning to invite a sister to join, please let her know. 

Location shared after RSVP (South Austin by the Stephenson Nature Preserve) 

tap to reserve your spot

P.S. If you’re not able to join us for the in-person gathering in Austin on the 2nd, I invite you to come along for the online version happening on the 1st.


About Your Hostess

Andrea Nicholas has been working with women and facilitating globally for over a decade.

The core of her work is inviting women into embodying the full spectrum of  of their womanhood. She believes it is each woman's birthright to express her full range.

Her work weaves together the feminine arts, voice activation, embodiment, womb wisdom, and cyclical living.

Additionally, Andrea is a Vocal Alchemist and offers sound ceremonies globally at sacred sites and live events. As well as the creation of custom soundscapes virtually. 
